Don’t wait, start now
Are you feeling stuck? Are you waiting for someone to arrive into your life and then you’ll be happy/fulfilled/successful?
The only one who can make your life special is you.
Trevor Silvester, founder of Cognitive Hypnotherapy and the Quest Institute where I trained, shares ‘One Thing Thursday’ every month. In the video below he talks about what he calls the “the Arthur myth” - waiting for someone to come into your life to make it what it should be. In Psychology it’s called ELOC - External Locus Of Control - where we think that success or failure results from external factors beyond our control. It could be related to romantic relationships, career or opportunities in general. Whereas ILOC - internal locus of control - is knowing that we can choose our responses to what life brings.
Stuck in analysis paralysis? Trevor says:
“In any situation where you’re not sure what to do choose - take action.”
Each choice you make will open up possibilities.
Fear of the unknown is often just a signpost to something out of your comfort zone, something more exciting.
Watch the 4 min video below - and you can subscribe if you would like some monthly inspiration.
If you’d like some help with your choices on any topic - you can book in a confidential coaching call here with Victoria or Sian.