How to set up a great year

A new calendar year can bring a lot of hope and possibility.

Over the years of countless personal goals and seeing thousands of clients, here is what I’ve learnt about keeping promises and making things happen:

Don’t make it all about the goals

Avoid putting external things on a pedestal -we often fool ourselves into thinking that if we achieve the thing that we want our lives will be totally different and we’ll be perfect specimens of the human race. The ‘I’ll be happy when’ mindset can be incredibly damaging. I’ll be happy when … I get a better job, lose a stone or meet ‘the one’. These are all external goals that suggest that we’re not enough as we are now which knocks our confidence and can be demotivating. Coming from a place of feeling enough just as we are and then choosing to get a different job, change our relationship with food or find a partner has a different energy to it. We’re more willing to take risks and try different strategies out when things aren’t so emotionally loaded or desperate.

Choose a theme

With a goal of “I want to lose 2 stone” you’re focussed on a particular outcome and the means of achieving it aren’t the priority, it’s a win or lose mindset. If you choose '“ health” as your theme for the year, you might change your behaviours and lifestyle on a deeper level - by listening to podcasts, finding out more about nutrition and exercise. A theme gives you more chance of achieving your goal and enjoying the long lasting benefits. You’re more likely to stay motivated and less likely to compare yourself to others. Some examples - if you want to beat a Personal Best in running, ask what would that bring you - theme could be “Performance”or “Prioritising my Health”. If you want to drink less - theme could be “Being authentic” or “Being Present”. So, what would be your theme for 2023?

If you’d like a Coaching call for some support and strategies for 2023 then book in direct with Victoria or Sian here.


Don’t wait, start now


Reflecting on 2023