Questions to bring more clarity and focus to the rest of your year.

There have been many curveballs this year already. Now we’re over half way through here are some questions to help you to take stock of what you’ve experienced and focus on what you want for the rest of the year. This simple exercise can help us to get out of auto-pilot and be more purposeful in how we live our lives. Ideally you’d take some time for yourself with a pen and paper to make a note of your ideas to the following questions:

What challenges have you overcome?

What are you grateful for?

What’s the most important thing you’ve learnt?

What is giving you life right now?

What is exciting for you and putting a fire in your belly?

What is draining you? Could you let go of this or change your relationship to it somehow?

Is there anything you’re holding onto that isn’t helpful?

Is there something you were motivated about in January that you’ve lost your focus for?

What is the most important thing you’d like to focus on for the this year?

If you’d like to give any feedback on this or have a chat with Sian about any of the above - contact Sian on


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