Men’s mental health
The Movember campaign involving the growing of moustaches every November is a great campaign raising awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide.
The stats on men's mental health are alarming - especially regarding suicide rates - and they're not getting any better. There are many factors for this and lack of connection is one of them.
The first step of reaching out to speak to someone is usually the hardest. Not only do you have to admit to yourself that you're struggling, articulating those inner thoughts can be uncomfortable and scary. The men we see at My Wellness Hub often say that it's the first time they've spoken honestly about how they're feeling and it's a big relief to get support.
If you're struggling - there are lots of options for help.
Some useful resources:
Book a confidential call with us here
C.A.L.M - Campaign Against Living Miserably and their campaign STAY
Samaritans free any time day or night -if you need to talk about anything. Someone is waiting for your call. Samaritans 116 123
If you are having suicidal thoughts, you might feel scared or confused. You may find the feelings overwhelming. Remember that, like all feelings, these ones will pass.
You are not alone. Many people think about suicide at some point in their lifetime.
Maybe there is someone you're thinking of when reading this.
If you're worried about someone:
Start a conversation
People worry about saying the wrong thing but it's best to say anything than to let things be unsaid.
There are many more men talking openly about their struggles - Freddie Flintoff and bulimia, Roman Kemp and his experience of a friend dying by suicide and many more men on popular podcasts such as Diary of a CEO. Hearing other men have similar thoughts and feelings can help us to realise we're not alone. It might be a good starting point for your own conversations too.
A good resource if you're worried about someone who might be suicidal is: The Ollie Foundation
You want to start a conversation but not sure how, here are some tips:
We hope this was helpful.
If you’ve been thinking about speaking to someone - this is your sign! Our calls are confidential, reassuring and supportive. Book in a call here or email us
If you’re worried about someone then you can talk through some strategies with us too.