Are you summer ready?

What does ‘summer ready’ mean to you? Do images of beach babes and abs come to mind? This idea is often used to sell us something superficial: a diet or a quick fix.

I thought as we’re half way through the year and approaching summer - a time that can be both full of fun and dread - it would be good to check in on how we’re doing.


At the start of the year when you set your goals - what were your priorities? Are they still important to you? Are you on track or have you lost your way?

Sometimes just awareness and a reset could make all the difference. Here are some coaching questions that might help you to take stock and move forward.

Physical health

As a Coach I’d advise not being extreme in your approach to health. Summer is just a season. If we zoom out and realise that we have this one body for the rest of our lives then we can think differently. We can see more clearly how having a long term strategy to improve our relationship with our bodies, food and exercise would be more helpful than something restrictive and quick. Research shows that every time we diet we end up putting on more weight! Does this sound like you? It doesn’t have to be this way, with some right support you can break the cycle of dieting for good.

Mental health

Sunshine and lighter evenings can give us all a boost - mentally and physically. However, with extra social plans and the kids off school there are more things to juggle than usual. If this resonates with you then focus on things you can control - your mindset. Setting up your expectations and planning some time to feel calm can really give you a strong foundation. What makes you feel calm? In the Coaching calls we offer we teach quick and easy ways to feel calm in your mind and body. Here are some things that might help that you can try right now:

Listen to a hypnosis track to relax

Yoga to feel calm

2 minutes of mindfulness to start your day

Breathing technique

So whether it’s social plans or kids or both that you have to juggle My Wellness Hub is here for you! We hope the tips and strategies are helpful. Need a bit more? You’re welcome to chat to our Coaches Victoria and Siân to set yourself to enjoy summer and beyond. Have a look at our calendar and arrange a time to speak.


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