Actions speak louder than words
If someone could only see your actions and not hear your words, what would they say are your priorities? James Clear
Oooph! Does this hit you too? What did you think when you read that quote?
Did it make you realise you’re making more progress on your goals than you realise? If you’re not - what’s stopping you? It’s not laziness or lack of willpower!
Is it a sense of lack of time? Do you think you haven’t got time to meditate/exercise/rest more? Identify where you are losing time - usually things we do on auto-pilot like our phone use or watching Netflix could give us back more time than we realise.
Is it a belief deep down that you’ll never get that thing done? Is there part of you that secretly thinks you can’t stick to anything?
Is your goal too overwhelming? Are you trying to change everything all at once? Would breaking it into smaller steps be more motivating?
Sew the seeds for a better tomorrow. What small action could you take to move towards the direction you want to go in? Change is a series of choices made consistently.
Actions speak louder than words.
If there’s something getting in your way - get some help. A coach will support you. Having someone work with you on your goals can be such a positive and powerful approach to change. Find a time to speak here.
Read more blogs on goals
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The lasting way to lose weight. Includes hypnosis Mp3.
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